Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Taking a Break - But I'll Be Back!

A few things you can expect in the future

* More wedding bouquet inspiration
* My favourite picks of this wedding season's bridal fashions
* A gorgeous deep purple wedding inspiration board
* My DIY wine bottle table numbers - finally complete!
* Tips on how to be the perfect bridesmaid
* And more!

Until the 11th, lovelies!
Peace and Love!

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

{Photo Challenge} Strangers

When I woke up this morning and looked out my window, one thought crossed my mind - "I'll be damned if I'm going outside in this weather in search of a few strangers to photograph!" So, admittedly, this is an old photo - taken in May of last year.

While I was in wedding school, our class hosted a comedy evening at Montecasino in Fourways to raise funds for the Wedding Wish. The ladies in this photograph, while members of my class, are complete strangers to me - I don't know their names, where they live, what music they like, or even why they were at wedding school - and I never asked. One could argue that this makes me antisocial, but I wholeheartedly doubt that they know any of these things about me either, and they never asked. I'm not one to roll with the crowd, preferring the company of a few select individuals instead, so the fault lies with no one.

It is fortunate for me, though, that on this cold, grey day I happened across this photo - a photo I nearly deleted a number of times. My hand was only stayed because, believe it or not, I'm hopelessly sentimental.
I'm also tickled by the irony of this photo - such happy looking individuals hosting a comedy evening. I chuckle inside.

Tomorrow I promise a brand new photo, not one rescued from the archives.

Until then!
Peace and Love!

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

{Photo Challenge} A Street

Not just a street - my street. I know I said I'd start this challenge tomorrow, and I had every intention of doing just that, but... It snowed in Joburg today, for those of you who haven't seen the million and one posts on Facebook, and I was hoping to catch a few snowflakes falling. Alas... It didn't snow where I stay. Still, the lighting was interesting, kind of moody, and I don't think this turned out too badly! Of course, I tweaked it slightly - what photographer doesn't - but it's not far from the original. 

Now I go eat lunch, my tummy calls!

Until tomorrow!
Peace and Love!

Another Challenge! {Copious Amounts of Non-Sarcastic Applause}

I know how much I enjoyed my 30 Day Challenge, and you all seemed to as well, judging by the number of people stopping by for some light reading! I miss writing everyday, and having the topic laid out before me - sometimes the creative brain just refuses to co-operate! - and so I'm at it again. This time though, the challenge is photography!

I came across this challenge on, you guessed it, Pinterest, and I'm keen to give it a shot (see what I did there?)! It can't hurt to improve upon my (greatly limited) photographic skills, who knows when I'll need to take my own photos in a pinch?

{DISCLAIMER: I possess only a simple point-and-shoot, so don't expect the world from me! I hear from pro photographers that one can learn to work magic with these casual toys if one just learns the basics, so let's hope I learn something over the next 31 days!}

Kicking off tomorrow, so stay in the loop!

Until then!
Peace and Love!

Friday, August 03, 2012

{Inspiration} Black & Lime

Gearing up for a spring wedding in the city? Why not go for a bright and beautiful combo of black and lime? Go mad with colour and throw in a signature cocktail to refresh your guests while they mingle. Simple and sublime!

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

{News} Overhauling the Brand!

For those of you who have been following this blog, you'll have noticed that I'm not one to sit still and be happy with the general aesthetics of my baby! Over the last few months, I've been constantly been upgrading  banners and colours and logos and just about everything else, trying to find that look that to my eyes is perfect. I'm a hard one to please, and I'm especially critical of my own work, so just when I think I've found something that I can live with, something catches my eye as out of place and I change it again!

But finally, yes FINALLY, I think I am happy! I've been searching for a look that conveys exactly what it is that Jade & Jasmine is about - a blend of professionalism, elegance and fun! All work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy indeed! I have been on the hunt for that special something that gives the elegant air I so desire without being stiff and inaccessible - something to appeal to people from all walks of life. Like I've said before, beautiful events are not, in my opinion, the sole quarter of the rich and famous - everyone deserves their slice of perfection - and I want a look that conveys that philosophy. A tall order perhaps, but I'm delighted at the outcome!
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