Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What's on YOUR plate? {30 Day Challenge}

{A picture of something you ate today}

It's was sooooo yummy!!

Okay, I know this is not everyone's cup of tea, but I loves me my liver! Rod hates it, so I only get to eat it once a month when he has a date night with his sister - after payday every month he takes her out for dinner (usually to some or other Italian place), and so I take the opportunity to indulge in some Greek-style ox liver! Yes, as with everything Greek, it's supposed to be lamb liver, but that's not always readily available...

If there's one thing I despise it's liver that's been cooked until it's dead, so this recipe is perfect for me. Because I feel that everyone should try this at least once in their lives, here's the how-to!

  1. Pat the liver dry with a paper towl and cut into pieces about 2cm wide and 5cm long.
  2. Combine about 1/4 cup flour with 1/2 tsp each of salt and cracked black pepper.
  3. Toss the liver pieces through the seasoned flour (I do it in a sandwich bag to reduce mess) and shallow fry in a little olive oil until browned, but still pink inside. Remove from pan.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and pour in 2 tbs lemon juice - it will bubble.
  5. Once the bubbles subside, pour the pan juices over the liver and sprinkle with oregano, et voila!
Enjoy with relish!

Until tomorrow!
Peace and Love!


  1. How long do you shallow fry it for approximately? I've never cooked liver and have no idea!

    1. I usually fry it for no longer than 5 minutes, turning every couple minutes. I get the pan quite hot so the outside starts to go slightly crispy without the liver cooking through. If you pierce it, it shouldn't bleed red (pale pinkish is fine), but you still want the centre to be soft and pink - it will look a little like a medium rare steak. Hope that helps! :)


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