Friday, June 22, 2012

Reflections {30 Day Challenge}

{A photograph of yourself today and three good things that have happened in the last thirty days}

{Yes yes, I know I'm late, but I had a funeral to attend and so was away from my home (and therefore internet) for a couple days... All I had about my person was my phone, and while the thing is magical, I had not the inclination to type a whole post on it.}

So when a girl discovers how to use her webcam, and is trying to take a pic for her final blog posting in her 30 day challenge, this is what her husband does! I'm not so good at the self-portrait thing, so I resorted to technology to make my life easier. I use "easier" in the very loose sense of the word - it took me about 40 minutes and a million help centres and forums to figure out just how to open my webcam! Judging by the number of forums out there dealing with this exact problem of "lost webcam on-button and stuffs", one can assume that this is a common problem with HP... I've pinned the sucker to my taskbar now, so no more hiding!

Three good things that have happened in the last 30 days... This is really hard to narrow down! Life is filled with many good things, but what to mention...?

I guess one good thing that happened is that I learned how to use my laptop webcam! Woo-hoo me! It's fun and kinda addictive, I may have to watch that.

I also, as you may know by now, managed to crack 1000 page views on this here blog of mine, and am barreling swiftly toward 2000! Readership is picking up and that makes me happy in my special place! I'm also discovering my personal writing style, and I'm really starting to enjoy this thing!

I guess the third good thing that happened to me is that I suffered a mild rejection. Okay, so this may not seem like a good thing, but it is! Hear me out. To me, rejection is like a shot of adrenaline directly to the heart. It feels horrible for a few minutes, but it kicks my bum bum into gear. It makes me want to work even harder to get where I'm going, it inspires me to make my own way despite whatever obstacles may leap into my path, it makes me want to prove naysayers wrong. At the end of the day, it is a spectacularly good thing! Rejection is the great motivator.

So, no I didn't have a birthday, I didn't get any particularly good news, I didn't leap buildings or stop speeding bullets, but it's been a good 30 (or 32) days! I've learned a lot, I've discovered things I never knew, and most of all I've had fun!

I wish I could say "until tomorrow", but alas you'll have to be happy with "until next time"!
Don't be a stranger, and I promise I won't be!
Peace and Love!

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