Wednesday, August 01, 2012

{News} Overhauling the Brand!

For those of you who have been following this blog, you'll have noticed that I'm not one to sit still and be happy with the general aesthetics of my baby! Over the last few months, I've been constantly been upgrading  banners and colours and logos and just about everything else, trying to find that look that to my eyes is perfect. I'm a hard one to please, and I'm especially critical of my own work, so just when I think I've found something that I can live with, something catches my eye as out of place and I change it again!

But finally, yes FINALLY, I think I am happy! I've been searching for a look that conveys exactly what it is that Jade & Jasmine is about - a blend of professionalism, elegance and fun! All work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy indeed! I have been on the hunt for that special something that gives the elegant air I so desire without being stiff and inaccessible - something to appeal to people from all walks of life. Like I've said before, beautiful events are not, in my opinion, the sole quarter of the rich and famous - everyone deserves their slice of perfection - and I want a look that conveys that philosophy. A tall order perhaps, but I'm delighted at the outcome!

I am a ridiculous font snob! I really am! And so I was delighted when I came across my beautiful new font on my buddy Taryn's blog over at Punkapicky Creations. It is exactly the sort of look I've been yearning for! And it got me playing!

It started right here, on this blog! I began overhauling a few key elements - and loving it! If you're wondering at the difference between my blog and website banners, all I can offer you is this - my business is not my blog, and my blog not my business. They are connected, but separate, and I wanted to show that.

And so, having been inspired by my new logo and banner and EVERYTHING else that I've tweaked, I thought "why not upgrade my website?" A few months ago I bought myself (well, technically my mother bought - for my birthday) a graphic design program that I use to create most things you see on this blog. Upon further investigation (don't judge, I'm completely self-taught!) I discovered that I can use the same program to design and publish a website. All you need is a domain (which I have) and a few technical details (which your host provides) and you're A for away!

I've been with Imaginet since November of last year and, just to give a shout out, they're brilliant! I emailed them yesterday to request a switch to a hosting package, received all the necessary info and confirmation within half an hour - and I was live! All for R49 setup, R55 a month hosting and R79 a year for my domain! Now tell me again you can't afford a website.

And so, without further delay - and banter from this blogger - I guess this is the official release of my new and improved website!

Check it out and let me know what you think! I'm quite pleased with the outcome!

{DISCLAIMER: I have not included a phone number, and this is not accidental - I have my reasons for this choice. Once a potential client has contacted me via email, I will supply them with a phone number.}

Until next time!
Peace and Love!

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