Friday, March 16, 2012

Do Yourself a Favour and DIY!

DIY favours – who doesn’t love them!?  And why not!?  With so many brides opting to try out DIY decor and stationery, why not try favours? Not only does this trend give you the opportunity to keep costs low, but it also allows for as much personalisation as your heart desires.  Favours have moved away from the traditional piece of wedding cake or sugared almonds - thank God! - toward a more creative "whatever takes your fancy" approach.  Parasols or pashminas for the ladies, personalised test tubes of exotic teas or herbs, or a small potted plant are simply examples of homemade gifts that can be found at guest tables this past year.  And it's not likely to change in 2012!

Gone are the days where planners or mothers (and by extension mothers-in-law!) held the reins and made everything happen!  Brides are becoming more and more involved in every aspect of their weddings, customising each and every aspect to their specific taste and desires, and are choosing options that allow for a little of their own creative juices to flow.  And they're seeing results!  Pouring a little of yourself into the gifts you give your guests not only helps to enhance the overall look and feel of your wedding, but adds that personal touch that lets your guests know they are appreciated!


If you enjoy crafts, why not use that hobby to create something beautiful for your guests?  If you enjoy cooking or baking, why not whip up a treat for your friends and family?  There is no longer a right and a wrong way when it comes to wedding favours, and creating something yourself can take costs from astronomical to affordable. 

If the idea of putting together dozens of favours yourself seems daunting, why not enlist the help of your bridesmaids and use it as a bonding experience?  Bring out the wine, and before you know it you're done and your girls are all getting along! 

The idea below is an especially easy one you could put together with the girls in a day, and it won't break the bank!  Just grab some memory wire, a few pretty charms, and you're on your way!  Alternatively, replace the charms with a lettered bead or something clever to match your theme!

Until next time, happy DIYing!
Love and Peace!

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